Thursday, October 02, 2008

A Different View of "Reality" » Worrying about Polar Bears? Think about yourself.
The hard and undisputed fact is that the planet is getting warmer in summer and colder in winter.
Maybe when professors tell us we have to eat kangaroo meat to prevent CO2 from killing polar bears, we shouldn't blindly obey
Where the skin does come off my nose is when some of these professors, very senior in their fields and thus likely to take a back seat to nobody, get themselves put in charge of campus events and projects. Some of these folk shouldn’t be charged with organizing a church bake sale. They apparently can think abstractly, but they can’t think concretely. And the concrete world is where things happen (or fail to).
William M. Briggs, Statistician » Random global warming nuttiness
Many people have been sending me various tidbits about rampant global warming insanity, but it’s taking me a long time to get round to posting them...
But of course
The lawsuit claims the wolverine population is declining for at least two reasons.

The first is climate change. Wolverines live in remote areas, mostly in the northern tier states. They often make dens in the mountains where the snow is heavy.

Joe Scott from the group Conservation Northwest says earlier snow melts caused by global warming are shrinking the wolverines’ habitat. He says that means the animals have fewer places to live.

In addition, he says trappers in Montana can legally kill wolverines.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service responds the wolverine doesn’t meet the criteria for federal protection.

The agency acknowledges the wolverines are hard to find, but says that’s because the animals live in small packs and avoid contact with humans, not necessarily because they’re endangered.

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