Origin of the Specious [Thinking] - Climate Change Fraud - Because the debate is not over
Warming periods and cooling periods are also directly linked to sunspot activity. We are currently in a spotless sun period and the temperatures are bearing this out. During the Medieval Warm Period that lasted 400 years and was warmer than it is today there were far less people on the earth, and most important, we were not an industrialized world. No trains, planes, or automobiles. No factories, either. This warm period was followed by the 'little ice age,' which also lasted hundreds of years and came to an end during the early 19th century. It wasn't until the 1950s a true industrial revolution took off.
18,000 years ago the planet started warming up, a gradual process after 100,000 years of Ice Ages. Since then, the Earth's temperature has risen about 16°F. It will continue to do so before this interglacial period ends and we return to another Ice Age phase. This has been proven by ice core samples and other methods, and it has nothing do with our population. When you hear alarmists rant about a 1°F rise in the last hundred years keep in mind this is what the Earth has been doing for millions of years. Warming, then cooling, repeat.
Unfortunately, we won't be around to see this happen, but not before generations of people spend enormous amounts of money, pass onerous laws, and destroy an economy already on the brink.
For 50 years the scientific community fought tooth and nail that continental drift was a pie-in-the-sky theory and used consensus to back up their claims and maintain the status quo. How long will it take before the global warming theory is finally disproved? Let's hope it's not after a hundred years of no significant warming. We should know better than to keep following mob mentality.
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