Friday, October 31, 2008

Still more complete insanity from Thomas Friedman

Thomas Friedman suggests that human CO2 emissions cause an extinction EVERY 20 MINUTES
While sharing a taxi cab with Al Gore, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman asked the former vice president - who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for drawing the world's attention to the problem of global warming - for a written apology.

"I wanted him to write a column in which he apologized for underestimating climate change," Friedman told a crowd of about 250 people Thursday at Corte Madera's Book Passage, his only Bay Area appearance.

Friedman was only partially joking. Although he's written extensively about terrorism, globalization and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Friedman believes climate change may be the greatest threat the United States - and the world - has ever faced.

"Climate change is bringing about 'global weirding,'" said Friedman, the author of "Hot, Flat and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution And How It Can Renew America."

"Hot weather will get hotter, wet weather will get wetter, droughts will last longer and violent hurricanes will become more frequent."

The world's weather patterns are changing, Friedman said, because more nations are developing lifestyles similar to those of Americans - particularly in their reliance on petroleum. That newfound addiction is propping up the governments of "petrodictatorships" like Iran, Russia and Venezuela, Friedman said, and is responsible for the extinction of about one of the world's species every 20 minutes.

"We are the first generation of humans who will have to think like Noah, coming up with strategies to save the last pair of more and more species," Friedman said.
"Whichever country creates this energy technology will have the most energy security, national security, economic security and global respect," Friedman said. "If it's not the United States, the likelihood that our kids will enjoy the same standard of living that we do is zero."

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