Tuesday, November 18, 2008

AGW Today: Schwarzenutter, Airport Malaria, And Light Bulbs (Again) » Pirate’s Cove — Avast, Sea Dogs!
In other words, they can pretend to walk the talk by doing little, and feel good. Of course, these are the same people who think that “bringing awareness” is actually substantive. Then they head to the soccer game in their Hummer.

I should mention that I used to like CFL’s, due to their lower energy usage. Hey, I’m all for saving money. Too bad they aren’t lasting that long anymore, meaning I spend more money replacing them then with regular bulbs. Back to mostly regular bulbs for me.
Temperature and Precipitation Extremes: Models vs. Reality
What was learned
The international research team, hailing from Australia, Japan, Russia and the United Kingdom, found that "the results mostly show moderate skill for temperature indices and low skill or its absence for precipitation indices [our italics]."

What it means
If we were personally going to use climate model results as the basis for mandating a complete overhaul of the world's energy system - as the world's climate alarmists are attempting to do - we would like to have those models possess considerably more than moderate skill at what they do. We would definitely not want them to have low skill. And to employ models that have an absence of skill would, to our way of thinking, be insane.

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