Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Chuck DeVore: Oops! Public Utilities Commission pegs cost of poorly thought out energy policies at $60 billion
According to a PUC report, California’s unprecedented drive to generate one-third of its electricity from renewable sources will cost $60 billion. $60 billion to build wind turbines, solar thermal farms, and geothermal fields and the transmission lines to connect them to where people live. $60 billion in extra “investment” between 2010 and 2020 – that’s more than $6,300 for every family of four in the state so we can stop burning coal and not burn as much natural gas. $60 billion to do what three modern nuclear reactors could do for $15 to $20 billion – at a fraction of the greenhouse gas emissions and with far higher reliability than a gust of wind.
The legislature should redefine “renewable” to include nuclear power. After all, nuclear power produces the most energy for least amount of end-to-end greenhouse gas emissions of any source of energy. Period. Solar thermal has its place to help on hot days. Wind, if used properly, can work with gas to reduce gas consumption. But neither can produce the large amounts of affordable and reliable energy we need if we are to begin to cost effectively electrify greater and greater portions of our transportation system. For large scale reliability and affordability we need nuclear power.
Assemblyman Chuck DeVore to compete for US Senate against Sen. Barbara Boxer
On Wednesday, November 12, I will declare my candidacy for the United States Senate against Barbara Boxer in 2010.

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