Friday, November 07, 2008

Conflicting stories about the current polar bear situation in Churchill

Polar Bear Alley - Polar Bear Blog, Polar Bear News from Churchill, Manitoba
...Ooohhh the poor driver... having to work so hard driving all over the tundra to find bears. The horror, the horror...

This is a good year for Churchill's bears (Dancer is in great condition) and should have been a great year for the polar bear cam. We have more snow than ever, there were decent bear numbers early and it is very easy to find polar bears out there, after all, Manitoba Conservation's 2008 aerial surveys recorded the HIGHEST numbers of polar bears in the history of their research - I wonder if the online discussions will mention that.

This decision just seems like the new polar bear cam team wants to come in, gather as much HD footage as they can (while spending as little time in Churchill as possible) to sell as stock. But you'll see the highlights folks, along with a short advertisement and website address and if you call within the next thirty minutes, you can save a bear for 60% off the retail price!!! Nice!

It is NOT a later than usual season - this is the earliest we have had snow in years!!! This is the most snow ever, this is peak polar bear photography season!!! The level of searching?!?!? The polar bears are so few and far between?!?! Hey, I've got an idea, how about I take Milo, my wolf-dog, out there, duct tape his paws to the wheel of Buggy One and we'll find a polar bear in about... hmmm... a minute. Or if that doesn't work... I just had drinks with Dennis, I don't think he's doing anything tomorrow. Plus, I would gladly be a relief polar bear cam driver to relieve his 'stress' of living on Buggy One. (Feel free to post that idea on the Nat Geo blog...)

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