Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Daily Bayonet: Global Warming Hoax Feels the Chill
The world is currently in the middle of a real crisis, an economic one, and a quick scan of any newspaper will show that governments and businesses are acting decisively and quickly to do what they believe will avert disaster. Every one understands it to be a real crisis, even if they do not comprehend the arcane details of what brought it about. Global warming is a fake crisis, a hoax, which is why it has never received the urgent attention of governments and businesses. In fact, if it were not for Gore's disaster movie and $300 million 'we' campaign, you can be certain that politicians and marketing people wouldn't feel any need to go greenwashing. Real crises don't need a movie and an advertising campaign to get attention, they never have.

Let's be clear, the natural state of climate is change. Gore and his minions would have you believe that the warming is being accelerated by man's activities, specifically carbon dioxide. It's nonsense, and in a few years it will be hard to find anyone that will admit they ever believed it. The current trend of reactionary and almost totalitarian thrashing and wailing from believers signal the death throes of a cynical movement that dare not believe its time has passed.

They know now that they will be remembered as another fad, a Y2K moment of madness, and it scares them.

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