Saturday, November 29, 2008

Dems Excited about Climate Change. Everyone Else, Not So Much. | The Sundries Shack
Isn’t it just like the Democrats to be all excited about boarding a sinking ship?
Hey the Brits are doing it! Act on CO2 [government sponsored carbon cutting initiative; UK videos] | elephant journal
This may be a bit old news but back in March of 2007 the British government began a massive campaign to encourage its citizens to reduce their carbon footprint. The initiative is called Act on CO2 and it is mayor. The website targets all the areas of the average Britain’s life and presents steps for reducing energy consumption. There is a cool carbon footprint calculator (unfortunately you can’t use it without a UK postcode) and many other useful resources for the average UK citizen. Which made me wonder, “Gee, what has the US government done to encourage its population to reduce?”

So I searched “US carbon reduction initiative”. The first hit was for The Cornwall Institute…in Ontario. Ahah! But then there was the Carbon Reduction Institute…of Australia. I don’t want to diminish all the good work that is being done in the US by private organizations, and at the state, or city level. The point I want to make is, shouldn’t we have an enthusiastic Federal Government that is involved and aware and is encouraging its citizens to get on board, to make the necessary changes of behavior to support our planet and slow the progression of climate change? What if the US government was so gung-ho that it was placing ads on TV and elected officials were out campaigning to reduce our nation’s carbon footprint?...

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