Thursday, November 20, 2008

Governor Schwarzenegger Opens Governors’ Global Climate Summit
And then, of course, I want to thank my wife and the greatest first lady, Maria Shriver, who is sitting right out here, for his great partnership and being such a great first lady. (Applause)

I'm telling you, talking about running a house environmentally sound, she is like the Gestapo in our house when it comes to the environment. It's fantastic to see that, the way she educates those kids and makes them also environmentalists. I love that.
Of course there were, like I said, people that didn't believe in it and they thought that we were going to hurt the economy. I still have friends in the business world that come to me and say that this is going to hurt the economy. But, of course, we believe very strongly that this is going to hurt the economy--I mean help the economy.
Was that last line a Freudian slip? (the remarks above are as Arnold actually delivered them, not as they appear in the "transcript").

Near the end of the video at the link above, you can see the bureaucrats standing and applauding after watching the video of Obama's asinine climate remarks.

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