Monday, November 24, 2008

Can carbon offsets save this bear?

Hunting Canada's polar bears
This bunch has the added misfortune of straddling the border between Nunavut and Greenland: native people on both shores are eager to kill as many bears as they can. In the light of the declining population, Canadian scientists recommended that this winter’s hunt be limited to 64. But the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board—an Inuit-controlled body that makes the final recommendation—decided to set the number at 105. Then Greenland added another 68, for its own hunters. Together, this is nearly three times the sustainable harvest. Even without the rampant poaching that takes place in Greenland, 12% of the Baffin bears are set to be turned into blankets, mukluks and stews.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about we hunt them to extinction, then we can drill. The sooner the better.

If we need more polar bears in the future, there are plenty of brown bears that can be converted.