Thursday, November 20, 2008

Michael Moore weighs in (figuratively)
"President-Elect Obama has to say to them, yes, we're going to use this money to save these jobs, but we're not going to build these gas-guzzling, unsafe vehicles any longer," Moore said. "We're going to put the companies into some sort of receivership and we, the government, are going to hold the reins on these companies. They're to build mass transit. They're to build hybrid cars. They're to build cars that use little or no gasoline."

He said global warming requires the nation and the world to use less oil. "There's got to be a plan set out to find other ways to transport ourselves in other ways than using fossil fuels," he said.
If we can produce miracles through mandates, why not mandate that drug companies find a cure for cancer? Why not mandate that schools successfully educate all of our students to break 2200 on the SAT? Why not mandate that all documentaries be 100% factually correct?

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