Wednesday, November 12, 2008

NC Media Watch: Oh my, renewables are going to cost us big time.
This paragraph caught my eye, as the wind is not steady and requires backup facilities:
“As wind generation further increases, the amount of variability
will increase non‐linearly
… An increase of the RPS to 33% could more than
double the integration problems and costs.” "Obama to Back Ailing Ethanol Makers, Follow Failed Bush Policy"
Nov. 6 (Bloomberg) -- President-elect Barack Obama plans to support unprofitable U.S. ethanol producers and pursue the same policies that failed George W. Bush.

Obama, the Democratic senator from Illinois, the second- biggest corn-growing state, will maintain Bush's goal requiring fuel producers use at least 36 billion gallons of biofuels in 2022, said Heather Zichal, the campaign's senior energy adviser. The ethanol industry, which loses about 66 cents a gallon at current prices, will receive at least as much support as from the current administration, including tax credits to spur consumption, she said. [Via Greenie Watch]

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