Monday, November 24, 2008

Only greens could lack water in a flood | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Too little water here, and too much water there. Does the Brumby Government really need someone to join the dots between today’s two water stories?...
No consensus even among alarmists: Romm's open letter to James Hansen on the real truth about stabilizing at 350 ppm
Indeed, I can’t imagine how high a price would be needed but it is probably of the order of $1000 a ton of carbon or more starting in 2010. Talk about shock and awe. Remember, we are talking about a carbon price so high that it actually renders coal plants that have been completely paid for uneconomic to run. And once you stop new demand and start shutting down existing plants, the price of coal will collapse to almost nothing.
I am not entirely convinced that 350 ppm is needed this century from a purely scientific perspective. But I am utterly unconvinced that you have a technology and policy strategy needed to achieve 350 ppm or come anywhere close.

For now, I’ll stick with 450 ppm.

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