Wednesday, November 12, 2008

People Who Hate the Internal Combustion Engine Fight to Bailout Automakers | All American Blogger
The big three automakers they are talking about bailing out are the same companies that make Hummers, Expeditions, and other huge SUVs that the left hates you to use. Seeing their dedication to the above environmental causes, why are Democrats now working on a bailout package for one of the biggest causes of pollution in the world?

Union jobs.

They are more dedicated to preserving union jobs than they are to environmental issues. (Probably because environmental groups don’t donate as much as the unions do....
Jones’ debate promise just more hot air | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Debate? Yet to hear it, Tony.
Gas bag rises | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
That’s an astonishing amount of gassy international travel. Question: is Roberts fighting global warming, or just making it worse?
Gavin Schmidt: "The processing algorithm worked fine." « Climate Audit
Schmidt said that no one at NASA was even employed on a full-time basis to carry out quality control for the the widely used GISS temperature estimates
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | UK experts give blackouts warning
The possible energy gap is being created because of the impending closure before 2015 of nine of our major coal and oil-powered plants.

This is due to an EU directive on acid rain. The issue is compounded by the closure of four ageing nuclear plants during the same period.

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