Sunday, November 02, 2008

Personally, I prefer Jack Handey's Deep Thoughts

Deep thoughts from alarmist Andy Revkin - Dot Earth Blog -
There’s a hopeful, enduring, possibly wishful thread of thought that I’ve been exploring for a couple of decades: various visions of the human species eventually overcoming its tribal and myopic nature and embracing the reality that it is in fact a single, if variegated, community inhabiting a shared, if planet-size, home. Only when that transition occurs, so the notion goes, is there a chance of resolving “commons” issues like limiting chances of dangerous human-caused disruption of the climate; trimming the billion-person tail off the curve of deep poverty that (along with dysfunctional government) holds back progress in the South; conserving the world’s eroding biological patrimony. Many scientists have a growing sense of urgency about the need for such a shift, as evidence grows that humans are becoming a powerful influence on a host of planetary “operating systems.”
Quotes by Jack Handey [Deep Thoughts] . Read Quotations of Jack Handey [Deep Thoughts]
"Somebody told me it was frightening how much topsoil we are losing each year, but I told that story around the campfire and nobody got scared."

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