Friday, November 28, 2008

Perth: Coldest November in 37 years
Perth residents have had to cope with their coldest November in 37 years but it is slowly warming up, possibly reaching 30 degrees early next week, for the first time in more than a month.

When both daytime and overnight temperatures were combined, Perth’s average temperature came in at just over 18 degrees, colder than any November since 1971 and more than a degree colder than the long-term norm.

This is also the first November in 44 years in which the temperature has failed to reach 30 degrees. Daytime temperatures have only averaged a little over 23.5, the lowest in 17 years. Nighttime temperatures have averaged about 12.5, possibly the lowest in more than 50 years.
DailyTech - Glaciers in Norway Growing Again
Scandinavian nation reverses trend, mirrors results in Alaska, elsewhere.
After years of decline, glaciers in Norway are again growing, reports the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE). The actual magnitude of the growth, which appears to have begun over the last two years, has not yet been quantified, says NVE Senior Engineer Hallgeir Elvehøy.
DailyTech has previously reported on the growth in Alaskan glaciers, reversing a 250-year trend of loss. Some glaciers in Canada, California, and New Zealand are also growing, as the result of both colder temperatures and increased snowfall.

Ed Josberger, a glaciologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, says the growth is "a bit of an anomaly", but not to be unexpected.

Despite the recent growth, most glaciers in the nation are still smaller than they were in 1982. However, Elvehøy says that the glaciers were even smaller during the 'Medieval Warm Period' of the Viking Era, prior to around the year 1350.
Global "warming" in simple terms
NEW GLASGOW – In the world of publishing, few avenues offer marketing possibilities like the “For Dummies” franchise.
Elizabeth May, the Green Party of Canada leader and now the author of six books – the latest being “Climate Change for Dummies” – knows this.
“It’s an opportunity to reach a large audience, particularly in the U.S.,” May said, following a book signing at the New Glasgow library this week.
May spent the better part of two years working on the book, which was co-written by environmental activist Zoe Caron – although May claims she wrote “at least half” of the text.
It will be available “all over the English-speaking world,” and will be translated into other languages as well.
The trouble with calling it global warming, May joked during a 90-minute talk at the library, “is that Canadians will think it’s a good idea.”
If you actually believed that CO2 might kill everyone's grandchildren, would you joke about it? Drinse "Drinse"'s review of Global Warming For Dummies
...There are a lot of books on Amazon which will explain the truth behind the issue. I don't expect this to be one of them. So if you want to be preached to by the converted, go ahead and read this. It will probably be no different than what we are subjected to from the media, the politicians, and the environmentalists every day anyway. Have fun.
Abandon critical thinking, ye who enter into this book.

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