Monday, November 17, 2008

Remarkable anti-coal Greenpeace propaganda cartoon
A few days ago I came across a Greenpeace propaganda film using John F. Kennedy's image. Now I have been sent a cartoon portraying the evil "coalfinger" and his coal power station emissions being tackled by the Greenpeace good guys. You can see the huge propaganda effort to win over the public. The "coalfinger" cartoon, I am reliably informed would have cost in the region of £250,000 to make. Alarmists often talk about the massive "big oil" lobby against them, but when all the government funding is handed out to these NGO's it is they who are the well-funded lobby, while the sceptics "big oil" money is just a myth.
Thanks to Richard Mackey and John McLean this blast from the past. This 1933 paper, ”Is our climate changing? A study of long-term temperature trends” by J B Kincer of the U S Weather Bureau in Washington DC published in the Monthly Weather Review Vol 61 pages 251 to 259, has an eerie resonance with the current debate.

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