Wednesday, December 03, 2008

AFP: Excuse me, do you speak climate?
POZNAN, Poland (AFP) — Oh dear... The BINGOs are at odds with the TUNGOs and the RINGOs over the NAMAs and the NAPAs. RFUK is concerned about what REDD is going to do to PAM. But at least the SIDS are keen on LULUCF.

If you thought the science behind global warming was dauntingly complex and believed "low albedo" was something to do with sex drive -- it means poor reflection of sunlight -- then the UN climate talks in Poznan are not for you. [Via The Chilling Effect]
American Thinker Blog: Bill Clinton Puts Global Warming Threat Ahead of Terrorism
Just days after 10 terrorists -- likely Islamic extremists -- butchered more than 170 people -- including 6 Americans -- in Mumbai, Bill Clinton listed terrorism second to last in a list of challenges the world faces.

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