Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Al Gore, Call Your Office: Climate Alarmist Says there’s no Alarm |
Global warming is a tough issue for laymen. Learned people strut about saying that the science is conclusive, done, finished. The world is destined for disaster.

But embarrassing contrary peer-reviewed studies then float by, as independent experts pull the curtain back, revealing the machinations of the alarmist lobby. Rather like the Wizard of Oz, Al Gore & Co. say pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, whooping and wheezing about the end of the world.

If the science really is settled, you’d think the alarmists would leap at the chance to prove it. But Lawrence Solomon recently found just the contrary. When pressed on the issue, his alarmist opponent ran in the other direction.
Cool 2008 warms climate debate | The Australian
WHILE the official figures are not yet in, 2008 is widely tipped to be declared the coolest year of the century.

Whether this is a serious blow to global warming alarmists depends entirely on who you talk to.

Anyone looking for a knockout blow in the global warming debate in 2008 were sorely disappointed.

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