Wednesday, December 31, 2008

American Thinker: Where should Conservatives Draw the Line?
(4) The Global Warming Hoax. I have saved the most important issue for last. The Obama administration has promised to move full steam ahead to lower the output of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbon, a naturally occurring element, will probably be declared a "dangerous pollutant" by the EPA soon after Obama takes office. Obama has sworn to move rapidly to build a useless system of windmills in an effort to replace fossil fuels. There are a number of other equally futile programs in the works. Obama's carbon credit proposal, for example, would radically alter the way business is conducted in America for the sole stated purpose of "saving the planet."

If Obama's plan is implemented on a national scale it will spell short-term to mid-term disaster for American industry and for our economy. But Americans will tolerate the coming brown outs, gasoline rationing, and government control of their thermostats for only awhile. (I predict that in less than twenty years the government will outsource to private companies the task of removing the tens of thousands of windmills Obama seems bent on installing.)

Much more dangerous is that the Obama Administration, leading by example, will continue to encourage and support the UN proposals for forcing third world countries to develop "clean energy." Hundreds of millions of poor people in the third world need a reliable energy system in order to expand industry, agriculture, jobs, housing, medical facilities, and transportation; in short, they need dependable energy to survive.

To deny the third world access to fossil fuels and nuclear energy in an effort to pursue the pipe dream of stopping global warming, is not just madness ... it is evil. Millions of people face poverty, disease, and death simply because they do not have adequate access to reliable energy. Any viable plan to help the third world must include allowing the poor peoples of the planet to aggressively pursue the cheapest and easiest means to develop and import energy.

Stopping Obama's plans to "save the planet" is, in my opinion, a moral imperative for America's conservatives. We must succeed here, not only for our own economic interests; we must do it to save lives. Open-minded scientists, in particular, must speak out on this issue.

No matter how difficult the battle, we cannot allow these programs to be put in place to solve a non-existent problem. All of these proposals are grounded in a scientific theory that is not only unproven, it is constantly changing. We must stop this global warming nonsense. We must draw the line here.

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