Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Anchorage | Frigid temperatures raise concerns over frostbite, car care
"Cold weather brings out the best in all of us and the worst in most cars," vehicle specialis A.J. Chriswell said. "Plug in, let it warm up. (Tuesday) won't be as cold as Wednesday and you'll see 30 or 40 below. Forty below, fan belts break real easy."

For the next week the National Weather Service says expect it to be really cold, with temperatures below zero most of the time.

It's bad enough that the police department's taking extra steps to make sure everyone, especially the homeless, are safe.
Co2-hysteric James Hrynyshyn: What to do with the alleged pseudoskeptics?
For the last four years, I've spent a fair bit of time trying to do my bit to undermine the pseudoskeptical claptrap that passes for criticism of the idea that humans are responsible for global warming. And I'm getting tired. It doesn't seem to matter how many bloggers and journalists who understand the science of climate change point out the facts as climate science understands them, pernicious long-debunked ideas (it's all the sun's fault, the hockey stick is a fraud, water vapor is a forcing, etc.) refuse to die. Is there any point?

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