Friday, December 05, 2008

Bayer pushes energy efficiency - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
A national energy program quickly implemented could eliminate the need for most new power plants through the year 2030, the leader of the Natural Resources Defense Council said Thursday.

And Rick Duke goes farther, adding that 80 percent of the potential energy savings is construction-related -- information that's sweet music to local companies like Bayer Corp.'s MaterialScience unit.
But not everyone is in lock-step with those views. Patrick Michaels, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute in Washington suggests that global warming alarmists check their thermometers.
Spanish deal with citrus crisis
...And in south-eastern growing areas, unseasonably cold temperatures are affecting fruit development. One exporter told freshinfo: “Fruit is just not sizing up because it has been so cold. It is particularly noticeable on oranges and if conditions do not warm up, oranges in large sizes will be in tighter supply.”
Climate change plan on way - Nova Scotia News -
Mr. Parent said climate change and the end of cheap oil are here and if the province can overcome those challenges, Nova Scotia will be a prime location for businesses. The vast majority of scientists say climate change is happening because of human activity, although there are still a few skeptics.

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