Saturday, December 06, 2008

British Climate Scientists Get It Wrong - Weekend Pundit
If the globe is cooling and we see the advance of glaciers and polar ice, does that mean we're still at fault because anthropogenic global warming caused the cooling? Sounds like a no-win scenario in that regard: if it gets warmer, it's global warming; if it gets cooler, it's global warming. So sayeth the Gorical. And woe be upon those that do not heed His words, for they are apostates and must suffer great ridicule and be cast out to freeze in the global warming caused Ice Age!
Wind power targets unrealistic, say critics - Telegraph
Claims in a Government-commissioned report that wind power can supply a third of Britain's electricity have been condemned as wildly optimistic by leading experts.
The brightest spark in town
“Every generation thinks it has discovered sex, and every generation thinks it has discovered electric cars – until they realise their limitations,” said one industry sceptic.

As long ago as 1989 Margaret Thatcher chaired a meeting of experts to address the problem of traffic congestion and pollution, at which an idea of electric cars powered by nuclear electricity was hatched. Among those present was Ian Fells, now emeritus professor of energy conversion at Newcas-tle University. “I said at the time that [to make it work] you’d have to ban cars from central London, and probably from central Birmingham and other large conurbations.

“You can see the sense of electric vehicles, but actually, when you come to use them, they have a range of about 50 miles, so by the time you’ve driven 35 miles you’re starting to drive very cautiously, wondering whether you are going to get back home again.”

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