Monday, December 08, 2008

Do you think they’re serious yet? « The Air Vent
Obama has scheduled a meeting with Dr. Al Gore. The powerful Nobel Prize winning mind behind the enlightened movie Inconvenient Truth. Presumably they will discuss issues related to mankind’s coming demise. Since Dr. Gore is leading the charge in cap and trade (an Obama promise) for a nominal fee, he clearly should be the visionary behind our future national policy.

It is hard to describe the warmth and comfort that comes over one when thinking of these brilliant men working together to finally address this most important issue with the intensity and clarity required. It is high time the ignorant conservatives got out of the way and let the business at hand be done.
If they only had a brain
Youth from six continents withstood freezing temperatures in Freedom Square in Poznan, Poland today with a dramatic action outside the U.N. climate conference.

Over one hundred people gathered to form the image of a figure standing on a sinking island under the number "350", referring to the recent science which cited that 350 parts per million was the safe upper-limit of CO2 in the atmosphere.
“Youth are mobilizing people on every continent, from remote rural villages to the slums of our biggest cities, from indigenous tribes to suburban parents,” said Oleg Izyumenko, a European youth delegate. “This is the biggest problem the world has ever faced, and we need to hear from far more voices, including those who will be hit first and hardest as the planet warms.”

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