Monday, December 15, 2008

“Global Warming” in the Hot Seat
So as the so-called “scientists” wallow in their dereliction, the fate of America’s energy policies hinges on the “handful” of 650 scientists and other currently silent skeptics to speak up and take a stand for the truth. If not, America will fall to the lie.

After all, for Al Gore and the rest of these liberal, intolerant ideologues, their “scientific objectiveness” amounts to little more than a handful.
Green team: Obama’s choices will challenge Inhofe
No one enjoys debating global warming more than U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe. Yet the sledding ahead looks to be decidedly tougher for the Tulsa Republican, given the environmental team President-elect Barack Obama is assembling and Democrats’ strengthened majorities in Congress. Inhofe has led the charge against Al Gore, the United Nations’ climate panel, celebrity activists and others who argue human activity is the chief cause of warming.
the TOWN HALL weblog - » Where is Martin Luther When You Need Him?
Nothing like blasting, freezing winds to make you think about Al Gore. The perfectly, pretentiously politically correct folks I know love that Al Gore “cares about the environment.” Which is just about the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life. Gore cares about the environment the way P.T. Barnum cared about his circus freaks. With his carbon credit business and his global warming traveling sideshow the “environment” is bringing in mucho bucks for the saintly ex-Veep.

What Gore has actually started is a modern day indulgence business. If Martin Luther were around he would be posting theses on doors about the worst veep since Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton. The environment generates a lot of cold, hard cash for our most mendacious ex-Vice President. In the Church of our Lady of the Mother Earth the only sin left is carbon consumption...
AFL-CIO NOW BLOG | Reflections on U.N. Climate Change Conference in Poznan
I believe the next year will be terribly important in strengthening the participation of unions such as DC37 and AFSCME, as well as other private- and public-sector unions in this process, as the labor movement, and the world, prepare for the critical U.N. climate change negotiations next year in Copenhagen.

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