Thursday, December 18, 2008

Global Warming Science and Public Policy - A Glimpse Inside the Global Warming Controversy
...In the mean time, the media will continue to hype this issue, focusing on the most sensational statements and events. Apocalyptic views, like those of Al Gore and James Hansen (NASA), have dominated the public discussion and classroom education. Yet, these views do not even represent the IPCC’s projections, which are far more conservative and a lot less theatrical. Of course, alternate models of climate change are not even considered. This one sidedness only proves how desperately good education is needed on this issue.
PBS Airs Must-See Episode about Climate Change and Kiribati: 'Paradise Lost' : TreeHugger
It's hard to overstate the significance of these changes—most of which have only taken place over the last 3 decades. One number that caught my attention during the broadcast was 6 million: that's the number of climate change refugees, displaced either by rising sea levels or intense storms, that U.N. officials expect to see by mid-century.
Oct '06: Near the peak of CO2 hysteria, an interview with alleged eco-hero Laurie David
Laurie David: This is the ultimate civil rights issue. The right to clean air, clean water, to summer days and normal summer nights that aren’t hotter than the days are.
It seems that Hollywood celebrities in general have toned down their climate alarmism significantly over the last couple of years. I have little doubt that our politicians will eventually follow.

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