Thursday, December 25, 2008

How Al Gore Saved Christmas « Climate Audit
Nobody knew what do. Except for one little girl. (Hey, it's a story.) She wrote to a famous ju-ju man in the South asking him to come north and cast a magic spell and make the snow return.

The ju-ju man heard the plea of the little girl. He quickly decided that the situation was far worse than even the little girl thought. This needed his most powerful magic and, so in 2007, he visited Toronto not just once, not just twice but three times.

The magic worked! Soon Toronto was covered up in winter snow. The ju-ju man could only save part of the 2007 winter, but by 2008, his magic was in full force. Yesterday's snow made 2008 snowfall the highest since 1883, with a few days still on the clock.
Heliogenic Climate Change: SciAm gets religious
1. What caused the drought that (the article says) caused the slaughter in Darfur: AGW.
2. What caused the hurricanes that hit the Gulf coast: AGW.
3. What caused the chikungunya (dengue fever variant) epidemic in Italy: AGW.
4. What caused wine quality to improve in northern Europe (SciAm thinks this is a problem): AGW.
5. What caused bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef: AGW.
6. What caused subsidence of some of the island nations: AGW.
7. What caused illegal aliens to come to the United States: AGW.
8. What caused sea ice changes in the arctic: AGW.
9. What caused the (alleged) decline (it's not) of skiing in the Alps: AGW.
10. What caused enviro crusaders to expel the hill farmers from their land in Uganda, prompting armed resistance: AGW.

Every one of the above propositions is easily disproved. "Scientific" American should return to science and abandon religion. What an embarrassment.

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