Thursday, December 04, 2008

Instead of an unprecedented worldwide mobilization, how don't we start by moving the grills away from the thermometers?

Lester Brown: A wartime mobilization
Saving civilization will take a massive mobilization, and at wartime speed.
It is time for individual countries to take initiatives on their own. New Zealand is leading the way, having announced in 2007 that it will boost the renewable share of its electricity from 70 percent, mostly hydro and geothermal, to 90 percent by 2025. The country plans to cut per capita carbon emissions from transport in half by 2040. Beyond this, New Zealand plans to expand its forested area by some 250,000 hectares by 2020, ultimately sequestering roughly 1 million tons of carbon per year.
...How would the realization that we are responsible for a coming 23-foot rise in sea level and hundreds of millions of refugees from rising seas affect us?
Regarding the claim that New Zealand is "leading the way", see some details here about that country's plan to scrap biofuels obligations, suspend the emissions trading scheme, etc.

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