Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Jim Moss: [Alleged] Setbacks in the Fight Against [Alleged] Global Warming
According to Daily Kos, the percentage of Americans who believe global warming is real has dropped from 79% to 71% over the past few years - mostly due to a decline in Republican belief from 62% to 49%. Apparently, the conservative campaign to deny climate concerns, led by the likes of James Inhofe and James Dobson, has been making some inroads. Even as the scientific evidence for global warming continues to mount, the effort to convince the public of the danger seems to be losing to the right-wing propaganda machine.
At any rate, it is clear that we need to take seriously the deluded campaign of the right-wing deniers and the ongoing myopia of the American consumer. If we don’t, all the science in the world can’t save us.
Jim Moss - The Seminal :: Independent Media and Politics
Jim Moss is a Presbyterian minister from York, South Carolina. He publishes a blog and a quarterly newsletter called "Discipline for Justice," which focuses on ways North Americans can live lives that promote peace and economic justice.

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