Saturday, December 06, 2008

maribo: Reporting about climate change
The post is based on work led by Maxwell Boykoff at Oxford, who has done some great work in the past (pdf) showing how striving "balance" in reporting becomes "bias" when the subject is climate change. We devote an entire lecture to that problem in my spring undergraduate course on climate.
The anger of a Quiet Man: The new Luddites
Now I'm all for protecting the environment but the enviroloons have really made a big mistake tying protecting the planet to climate change (aka global warming) the evidence is mounting about the whole scam and despite the screams of the greens it's becoming more and more obvious everyday that it's a hoax of global proportions simply to scam the western world taxpayers into stumping up large sums of cash to feed the politicians grandiose largesses.
The Greens will find in the future that they will not be believed should they draw our attention to significant problems with the environment. The loss of credibility they'll face over this will simply not go away anytime soon. But until then we'll have to put up with the protests and squeals until the BBC and politicians finally get the message that no one believes them when they talk about climate change!

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