Friday, December 19, 2008

Marketplace: EPA ruling stalled by ethanol debate
Questions about the impact ethanol has on the environment are keeping the EPA from making a ruling about how much biofuel the U.S. should produce. Sarah Gardner reports.
Blogging is Great! « The Air Vent
Let’s look at some of the bigger events which have happened to the Id.

- Discovery that biofuels, wind power and solar are not technologically ready to replace existing energy sources.

- Uncovering multiple flaws in Mann08. A huge adventure for sure, after all this guy created Albert Gore’s hockey stick graph.

- I found that Mann 08 infilled data, pasting on a hockey stick on the end of 90% of the proxies.
American Thinker: Climate Crisis = Logic Crisis
Proponents of global warming finally have an irrefutable, because incoherent, theory guaranteed to win any debate. This hypothesis cannot be refuted. If the "weather" cools it proves that the "climate" is getting warmer. If the weather gets warmer then the climate gets warmer. As the barker shouts out at the carnival,
"Winner! Winner! Winner!"

This latest hypothesis is a violation of the most basic of the laws of logic: the principle of non-contradiction. Something cannot be both A and not A. The weather cannot get colder while the climate gets hotter anymore than the earth can be flat while the world is round. This is not science, or logic; this is unabashed nonsense.

Yes. Climate science has come to this: We are now being told, in effect, to ignore the data and believe the hypothesis. I have recently written that global warming is not a science -- it is a religion. I take it back. Global warming, aka climate crisis, is now a crisis of logic. In other words, it is insanity.

1 comment:

10ksnooker said...

Central planning, it fails everywhere it's tried.