Monday, December 08, 2008

More from the guy who thinks CO2 may cause cannibalism

Ted Turner chats about his outsized environmental hopes and ambitions
[Q:] You're a big fan of clean energy. What do you think are the most promising low-carbon technologies on the horizon?

[Ted] ...The two that I think have the greatest potential at this point with the technology where it is today are solar and wind....

[Q] Are there clean-energy companies you're placing bets on?

[A] I have a multi-million-dollar investment in First Solar.

...The best place to build solar panels is in the Southwest -- Arizona, New Mexico, Southern California, and southern Nevada -- but we've got to move it all the way across the country to New York and Boston....I think the situation with global climate change is a life-or-death issue for us that we have to get on right away. Even if global warming [science] is wrong for some reason, at least we get clean air out of it. And [a clean-energy economy] will employ millions. All the people employed who are going to be let go when the auto industry goes bankrupt will be able to find good, high-paying jobs building windmills. We'll be moving from subsidizing a dying smokestack industry to going to clean, renewable electrical power, locally produced. It will be terrific for our economy.

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