Monday, December 08, 2008

More idiotic scientists weigh in

Minnesota's moose declining as temps rise, scientists say
DULUTH - Scientists brought together by Minnesota's Moose Advisory Committee said this morning that they've seen a clear correlation between rising average temperatures and the state's declining moose population.
No other factor, including disease, parasites, starvation, deer density, hunting, or being preyed upon by wolves, correlates as reliably to the moose decline as does the rising temperature, Lenarz told the group.

"Because they are weakened, it predisposes them to other measures of mortality," he said, adding that because they must spend more time seeking shade and cooling off, "it takes away from the time they can actually feed."

While such a correlation has been observed, he added, "we don't have a cause and effect…we need to identify the specific mechanism" by which moose die of heat stress. Therefore, more research is needed, he said.
Note the amount of realism in the comment section here.

More background information on global warming and moose is here.

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