Friday, December 12, 2008

Sarah Palin, Book-Burner? - Tim Graham - The Media Blog on National Review Online
Richard Cizik was pressed to resign as a spokesman and vice president for the National Association of Evangelicals over his remarks in favor of so-called gay marriage. But deeper in his NPR interview with Terry Gross was the bizarre spectacle of an Obama-voting evangelical suggesting passages opposing homosexuality in the Bible are politically negotiable, while oil-drilling is so unquestionably evil that Sarah Palin is, in effect, anti-God...
The Endless Global Warming Sitcom
Just imagine all the liberal “work” and “enterprise” that would come to a crashing halt if people simply ignored the idea that we’re apparently all going to explode into a giant ball of fire someday, and went about our business. Liberals have created a catastrophe from which only they can save us. But an actual solution would ruin all the fun -- and destroy liberal employment prospects in the mass hysteria industry.

So the goal of global warming proponents is to give the issue a cameo in every possible scene playing out on the world stage. Here’s what that has looked like over the past week
Global warming - who's getting fooled? (
The founder of is questioning whether there's a correlation between manmade carbon emissions and global warming.

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