Monday, December 01, 2008

This just in: In Chicago, in winter, it's hard to find locally produced organic fresh fruit

Chicago: Cold Weather Hinders Heroic Fight Against Global Warming
We use the car way too much. Rather than risk the slippery walk to preschool as the cold rain pours from out of nowhere, we seek the safety, and moreover the comfort, of the car. Even when the forecast doesn't call for rain or snow or anything especially challenging weather-wise, the boys and I look at each other, shrug and figure bad weather comes out of nowhere in Chicago, and anyway, who wants to be stranded?

As a family who tries to eat locally produced organic foods, fresh fruit is scarce. This is our first year striving to be localvores, and it is tougher than we thought. Have you seen the new label in the produce section that says "Grown in the USA"? Well, where in the USA, I ask? The United States is pretty big. Where, exactly, is the food we're purchasing produced? Usually I find myself standing at Whole Foods babbling these questions to myself when I notice people are watching me, and I am actually standing there without my children. Whoops!
Chicago, North, Northwest Suburbs Could See 6 Inches Of Snow By Monday Night
CHICAGO (CBS) ― The winter storm couldn't have come on a worse night – with thousands of holiday travelers returning home.

By the end of the day Monday, some areas could see 7 inches of snow.

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