Friday, December 19, 2008

Tree industry eyes alleged impact of climate change
Rep. Heath Shuler, D-Waynesville, said the United States must look at alternative energy as an economic opportunity and a way to reduce global warming. He said people can doubt global warming but “is it worth the chance to be skeptical? Is it worth rolling the dice?”

Shuler said that he has seen climate change in his lifetime. When he was young, Western North Carolina used to get large snow events, but none have occurred in recent years.

“My son is seven, and he hasn’t seen adequate snowfall,” Shuler said.
Maybe he should take the kid to Las Vegas or Los Angeles.

Reply to RealClimate’s Attacks on the NIPCC Climate Report
Now consider Mann’s and Schmidt’s qualifications. Mann is the author of the “hockey stick” temperature graph that did so much to fuel global warming hysteria when it was featured in an IPCC report, but which a Congressionally appointed panel of experts found was not supported by scientific data. Gavin Schmidt is a climate modeler at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies and in recent weeks has been frantically trying to explain why his organization falsely reported that October 2008 was the warmest October in recorded history. Many climate researchers believe Mann and Schmidt are deliberately falsifying temperature data to keep their global warming scare going a few more years.

With no apparent sense of irony or shame, these two discredited authors call one of the world’s leading scientists “dishonest.”

Mann and Schmidt pretend to be engaged in a scientific debate over global warming, but they are not. They have banned global warming “skeptics” from posting on their blog, resort to ad hominem attacks against anyone who dissents, and have repeatedly declined invitations to appear in public forums to debate their critics. They are what the history of their organization says they are: A PR shop for discredited global warming alarmism.

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