Monday, December 15, 2008

Twitter / John Wolcott: Even the cat's a denier
The cat wasn't interesting in going outside this morning. For some reason she doesn't get this global warming thing when it's 15 outside.
Old article: Robert Corell praises "An Inconvenient Truth"
The release goes on to attempt to discredit Robert Corell, chairman of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment Group, for his “reported sponsorship by the left-leaning Packard Foundation.” It further challenges Corell’s credibility by stating that he watched the film at a private screening arranged by Gore himself.
It’s not a stretch to wonder if Corell (whose name was misspelled in the Senate press release) might now worry about his access to future federal funding, despite Morano’s denial of any actual U.S. government action. “I’m amazed at how thorough and accurate [the film was],” Corell told the AP. “After the presentation I said, ‘Al, I’m absolutely blown away. There are a lot of details you could get wrong…I could find no error.”

And Corell should know, since he has impeccable credentials. In addition to serving as chair of the steering committee for the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (an international effort to assess the effects of climate variability, climate change and ultra-violet increases in the Arctic), he has also served as a senior policy fellow with the American Meteorological Society, and as a senior research fellow in the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. He is also a former assistant director for geosciences at the National Science Foundation, and a former professor at the University of New Hampshire. But according to the Republican majority on the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, when Al Gore says jump, Corell says “how high?” Attempts to reach Dr. Corell for comment were unavailing.

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