Tuesday, December 09, 2008

We've Always Been at War with Eastasia, Winston - Chris Horner - Planet Gore on National Review Online
It is only fitting that amid the Kyoto talks in Poznan, Poland — where the Poles are being lectured how they should leave that coal in the ground, since their friendly Russian neighbors have a reliable gas supply for them to burn, instead — that we should see eye-popping rhetorical revisions to join the ignorance of history.
As I have said to audiences for nigh on a year, it is going to prove very confusing to the global warming industry when this issue can no longer be about George W. Bush.
Iowa's harvest remains incomplete | GazetteOnline.com - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City
Unfortunately, some corn farmers who planted late were forced to wait longer for their crops to mature. Farmers moved into their fields to harvest corn but were stopped in their tracks by snowfalls before and after Thanksgiving.

"If there's very much snow on the stalks and ears, it doesn't combine very well," Brenneman said. "The snow melts as it goes through the combine, plugging things up. We're going to need to wait to get some of that snow melted before the corn can be combined."

Combining snow-covered corn is roughly equivalent to urban dwellers trying to mow extremely wet grass in the summer months.

Brenneman said the snow-related delay will allow some Iowa grain elevators to catch up drying the crop that was harvested before the snow arrived. Corn moisture levels have approached 20 percent in some cases, which is far too high to prevent mold from forming in storage bins.
John Arnold, general manager of Innovative AG Services Co. in Central City, said liquid propane is typically used to dry corn down, either on the farm or at the grain elevator. Propane increased in cost from $1.67 per gallon in July 2007 to $2.14 per gallon in September 2008 when many grain elevators were purchasing their fuel.

"There's no question that we're seeing more corn requiring drying this year than in past years," Arnold said. "You usually get a little bit at this time of year, but we're seeing a lot more this year because of delays in getting the crop planted."

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