Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wind Watch: Answer is not in the wind
I HAVE heard all the arguments for wind turbines.

Some say “I’d rather a wind turbine to a nuclear power station”. I say, wrong, you would need thousands of wind turbines to try to replace any power station, and even then you would have to keep the power station going in reserve for when the wind dies down.

Others say “I prefer wind turbines to pylons”, I say — nonsense.

Wind turbines mean more pylons coming off the scenic uplands to deliver the electricity. The silliest argument is that the wind is free. Yes, the wind is free but wind power is twice as expensive as other forms of electricity because we all pay for its public subsidy. Nobody ever says “I like wind turbines because I’m a wind turbine developer” or “I’m a feudal landowner and they make me a massive fortune that the rest of you pay for”. I say — yes, at least that’s honest.
Wind Watch: Essex considers wind farms ban
The Town of Essex became the first area municipality to propose a ban Monday on wind turbine projects until all health questions raised by residents are clearly answered by provincial experts.

“We are gambling with the health, safety and quality of life of the people around us,” said Coun. Ron Rogers, who proposed the ban. “We need answers and guidance from our provincial ministries.”

The council debate on the ban is set for Feb. 23 to allow wind industry, provincial government and health experts to respond to issues such as noise, vibration, risk of structural failure, ice throw from blades, and electrical surges.
Investor's Business Daily -- Drill, Arnold, Drill!
Fiscal Crisis: California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is begging for a bailout to close an $11 billion budget gap. He should be pressing for an oil revenue-sharing deal instead.

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