Tuesday, December 30, 2008

YouTube - Car of your future! - The 2012 Pelosi GTxi SS/RT Sport Edition

[Via Gore Lied]

The Future of Energy? « The Air Vent
Many of us know that fission nuclear has been given a bad rap by extremist groups but there is another beast in development which in my mind represents the true “green” energy source. The trouble is twofold, first the technology needs more time but the second is that the many of the same extremists have already rejected it. People who think global warming is so bad should be screaming for money to be injected into it but I’ve heard nothing.

Fusion reactors have many advantages over fission but two stand out above the rest. First is they can’t melt down. If things go out of control, they shut off, that’s it. Second, they don’t generate the long half-life wastes that fission reactors do.
Climate Crusaders: Please Don’t Accept Money from Climate Criminals (Or Alternatively Buy Carbon Credits) | An Inconvenient Blog (Gore spoof site)
Remember: in these trying times, climate criminals will rely on cool temperatures and cheap gasoline to buy your continued support of their destructive ways. Don’t fall for it. Just say no to them or yes to carbon credits.

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