Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Boulder is a Stoopid Place: Global Warming kool-aid
Well, yes it is but I'm far from convinced the scientists that dispurse the information (whatever happened to the predicted runaway temperature depicted by the hockey stick?) really know what's going on. If they did, their models would work. If they did, they would have predicted the rapid growth of the Arctic ice cap this winter.

The "true believers" like Clay are the fanatics that concern me much more than "climate change".

One must wonder what it would take to change Clay's mind. For one who despises organized religion it's surprising that he can't see he's a front man for the Church of Global Warming.
Cold weather makes snow shovels a hot item
After last weekend’s snowfall – one of many this winter – there didn’t seem to be a snow shovel to be found on the shelves of Thunder Bay’s stores.
'But being that right across the country right now – East Coast, West Coast, Central Canada – has an overwhelming amount of snow, it’s hard for them to keep up right now in manufacturing the shovels,' Hebert said.
Ice cold freezing temperatures in Bristol | Bristol News | This Is Bristol
THE coldest start to January for 12 years has brought problems to Bristol's roads – and even waterways.
Bristol's docks have also been affected by the cold snap.

Frozen waters have forced the Bristol Ferry Boat Company to cancel its ferry service.
Jane Salvidge, who runs the company with her husband, said: "The weather doesn't usually affect ferry services in the harbour as it is very sheltered.

"It's actually extremely rare for the harbour to freeze.

"Even if the temperature drops blow zero degrees, there's usually enough wind to create movement of the water which prevents it forming into ice.

"But the last few days have seen extremely cold conditions coming in from the east, with hardly any wind at all. Now significant portions of ice, some up to three inches thick, are forming.

"With the current conditions and forecast it's unlikely to thaw for several days."

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