Saturday, January 03, 2009

Bryan St. James: Comment at Watts Up With That?
I have to say I am excited with a growing trend I see of actual scientific truth trumping the hype of ‘Global Warming’. In a WordPress tag surf on the same term, I will typically see 7 or 8 common sense climate posts to each alarmist or sound-byte reguritator. Everyone keep blogging the truth!
Recycling crisis: Taxpayers foot the bill for UK's growing waste paper mountain as market collapses | Mail Online
Taxpayers are facing a multi-million-pound bill to store 100,000 tons of waste paper and cardboard as the British recycling industry plunges into crisis.

Rubbish carefully sorted by householders is piling up in vast warehouses as the market for waste paper collapses, and experts have warned that the mountain of garbage could double in the next three months.

Waste paper is now virtually unsellable, so the private firms contracted to deal with household rubbish have been forced to put it into storage, incurring huge bills.
PM still using carrier bags he vowed to scrap

Gordon Brown still uses plastic carrier bags for his weekly supermarket shop despite pledging to eliminate them.

The Prime Minister has now revealed in an interview that he and his wife Sarah often order through supermarket websites and receive ‘a lot of unnecessary packaging and plastic bags’.

Last year Mr Brown announced plans to wipe out the 13billion plastic bags given out by Britain’s shops each year, ordering supermarkets to cut the number they give away from 9.1billion to 3.9billion by the spring.

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