Thursday, January 29, 2009

But how'd they survive all that previous climate change?: Climate change allegedly forces moths to higher ground | Environment |
"The fact that over however many tens of thousands or millions of years they have failed to expand their distribution away from those areas makes it vanishingly likely [that] in the next 50-100 years they'll suddenly be able to up sticks and find a cooler part of the world they can expand in rapidly," said Thomas.
UK: Project Manager for climate change campaign
The Legal Sector Alliance (LSA) is an inclusive movement of law firms and organisations committed to working collaboratively to take action on climate change by reducing their carbon footprint and adopting environmentally sustainable practices. The campaign is supported by the Law Society and Business in the Community.
Twitter / Gillian Caldwell
Hearing tom anthanasiou say most people wkg on climate change believe in their heart of hearts that we are toast. But we don't have to be
Twitter / Jim Legge
is walk/enjoy-ing this megasnowstorm.. let it snow & bury the bible thumping Climate Change deniers.. hey, car pile ups create employment!

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