Saturday, January 17, 2009

But of course

Geese Pose Big Risk at Airports in Region -
Nevertheless, the danger of bird strikes “is an ongoing problem, and it will always be a problem,” said Steven D. Garber, a biologist who was a consultant to the Port Authority in the 1990s.

And it may become more so — despite efforts at mitigation. “There is evidence both in North America and in Europe that birds are shifting their territories,” said Joel L. Cracraft, curator in charge of the department of ornithology at the American Museum of Natural History. “And that has been correlated with global warming.”


April E. Coggins said...

The goose problem is man-made alright, but not because of global warming. In the 1950's and 1960's, the State of New York released farm raised geese to improve hunting. Now the geese are protected by law, habitats are provided and they are well fed. Their territories are shifting due to the huge expansion of their population. It has nothing to do with migration because these birds were not migrating, they are permanent residents. Another case of a knee-jerk reaction in order to blame global warming for a problem that was actually caused by short thinking environmentalists.

Anonymous said...

Well that didn't take long. So global warming is to blame for the jet going down in the Hudson? That's as crazy as saying Chuck Schumer is to blame for the Canada geese nesting so close the the airports! Wait a minute ... that might actually be the case.

Anonymous said...

Please, please keep trying to make links such as this. The more asinine the connections, the sooner the general public will wake up and smell the crap that is being served to them. I thought the statements that the Minnesota bridge collapse was a result of AGW were rediculous, but this takes the cake....