Monday, January 12, 2009

Climate Observations: Can El Nino Events Explain All of the Global Warming Since 1976? – Part 1
Absolutely. And They Do It In Three Easy Steps.
Stimulating Alternative Energy |
...So it seems likely that the target of doubling the use of renewable energy does not actually refer to the full range of renewables at all, but just to those “acceptable” alternatives. This would imply that the target is only 1 extra quad of renewable energy by 2011, which, while it would represent a significant expansion of those industries, would amount to just a “drop in the bucket” of total US energy use. And, as we hear in the debate over ANWR every time it comes up, a “drop in the bucket” is just not worth doing…

It appears that this part of the stimulus package is, at most, a shibboleth.

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