Friday, January 30, 2009

CO2, Temperatures and ice ages « Watts Up With That?
When a few decades of low sunspot number is accompanied by Dalton minimum and 50 years of missing sunspots is accompanied by the Maunder minimum, what can for example thousands of years of missing sunspots accomplish? We don’t know.
Keeping Watch on the Redoubt Volcano « Digital Diatribes
My issue will be - as I predict will happen - that this will be a psychologically welcome event by AGW supporters so they have a convenient scapegoat for ALL cooling that ensues for the next year after this eruption.
World Climate Report » Antarctica Again
Clearly, not much as changed in the past 14 years—it still makes headlines that “Antarctica is warming!” when in fact, the temperature averaged over the entire continent (using whichever methodology you prefer) hasn’t changed much in more than three decades.
Wind Watch: Budget lands blow on our wind farms
The federal budget blew some bad news on Manitoba’s future wind farms, but a plan to build new and improved transmission lines into Saskatchewan and remote communities might be resuscitated.

In Tuesday’s blockbuster budget, Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty quietly cancelled the green energy subsidy that helps wind farms — including the new one planned for St. Joseph — stay viable.

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