Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Debate: Is combating climate change worth the cost?: Scientific American Blog
So is preventing climate change worth that price, estimated by some to be as much as 1 percent of global gross domestic product (GDP)?

Environmentalists and climate change contrarians (though no one denied the reality of global warming) squared off last night over the issue during a debate sponsored by Intelligence Squared US in New York City—and set to be televised by the BBC in March. Among those arguing it's not worth the cost: Bjorn Lomborg, an economist and founder of the Copenhagen Consensus, an experiment aimed at ranking world problems based on cost-benefit analysis; lawyer, author of "The Bottomless Well" (a book describing the endless supply of energy available) Peter Huber, a senior fellow at the conservative thinktank the Manhattan Institute; and biogeographer / revivalist preacher Philip Stott of the University of London.

Arguing that climate change must be halted: journalist and would-be politician Oliver Tickell; former Sierra Club president and environmental consultant Adam Werbach of public relations firm Saatchi & Saatchi; and consultant and business school professor L. Hunter Lovins of Natural Capitalism Solutions.
Joseph D'Aleo (former AMS chairman of Committee on Weather Analysis and Forecasting) says Hansen award is “sad day” for AMS
Icecap Note: Today Lubos Motl posted on evidence than GISS was manually adjusting data (cheating) while the signature was not there for the satellite data sources. Ironically, the same day, as Andy Revkin posted today here, Hansen won the AMS 2009 Carl Gustaf Rossby Research Medal “for outstanding contributions to climate modeling, understanding climate change forcings and sensitivity, and for clear communication of climate science in the public arena.” It seems that with Tom Karl as its last President and now Hansen as an award winner, AMS needs only to find an award to provide Phil Jones to cover all three individuals that are manipulating the data to keep the global warming hoax alive and the grant gravy train funding for the universities and AMS going. Its another sad day and embarrassment for a once great society that has lost its way.

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