Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Does Nature’s Thermostat Exist? A Global Warming Debate Challenge « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
...I would challenge any IPCC scientist who considers himself or herself an expert on feedbacks to debate this issue against me. We can invite a variety of physicists and engineers who understand the concept of ‘feedback’, and who do not already have strong philosophical or political biases on the issue, and ask them to judge whether the IPCC models are behaving in realistic ways when it comes to cloud feedbacks.
Detroit Auto Show: The Incredible, Shrinking Ethanol Alternative - Henry Payne - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Detroit, Mich. — Just one year ago, in the warm glow of national acclaim and flanked by Gore ally and green venture capitalist Vinod Khosla, General Motors Chairman Rick Wagoner announced at the Detroit auto show a historic commitment to developing ethanol as an alternative fuel by investing in ethanol-startup Coskata and converting GM’s vehicle fleet to E85-capable vehicles. "This is a game changer," said David Cole of the Center for Automotive Research.

This year — to national acclaim and flanked by Obama ally Gov. Jennifer Granholm of Michigan — Wagoner announced GM's historic commitment to develop electric vehicles. "We think it could be a big game-changer," Wagoner has said.

Ethanol was never mentioned.
Thoughts on Standards, and Practices - Chris Horner - Planet Gore on National Review Online
As Scientific Alliance just wrote (it’s under “Newsletters”): “The omens do not look good for a new deal. The climate change lobby desperately needs 2009 to break records for high average temperatures and extreme weather. Summer ice melt in the Arctic in 2008 was hyped, but the winter growth seems to be more rapid than usual.”

1 comment:

10ksnooker said...

The IPCC's math does not add up. Their use of feedback is wholly unsubstantiated by fact.

As a test I submit that if climate behaved as the UN IPCC 'feedback model' suggests, then we would all be crispy critters right now, because the climate system of the Earth would have railed long ago. There would likely be no humans alive on Earth, ever, unless of course they cam from space.

The fact that it did not is a marvelous testimony to how it works, even if we have no idea how that is.