Saturday, January 17, 2009

Errors in IPCC climate science » Blog Archive » David Archibald predicts the May 2009 UAH MSU Global Temperature Result
The combination of a 0.3° response to the current La Nina and the usual 0.3° decline from January to May will result in a 0.6° decline to May 2009 to a result of -0.4° (0.4° below the long term average).

David Archibald
12th January, 2009

climate science: TAX-FUNDED PROPAGANDA
Someone sent me this course for climate change enthusiasts. Presumably it is being sent to all councils and many companies and charities. At £250 for a one day course, it looks like a nice little earner, and we are all paying for it. And so the band-waggon keeps rolling on.
Fish die, monkeys suffer, blankets distributed as cold weather envelops Thailand
BANGKOK, Jan 17 (TNA) - Small fish raised in a river in northeastern Thailand have died, monkeys in the South have lost interest in eating food, rice plants which are begun to bear fruits died prematurely as severe cold spell hit almost the entire country and temperatures fell in recent days.
Presidential Inauguration: A chance to stand around for 6 hours in freezing temperatures
First, it was cold (I think mid-20s). Second, you had to arrive early if you wanted a good spot (that is, a ‘good spot’ in a bad location, a pre-assigned roped off section, indicated by your Inauguration card). So, there at 7:30 am in the morning, and you’re on your feet for the next 6 hours....Just know that the people down there will be excited to be there. And they will have serious nose-drip and watery eyes from the cold weather, and their feet will be freezing, and all the Starbucks coffee the world won’t make it any more comfortable.

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