Thursday, January 29, 2009 - How Green Are Forest-Based Carbon Offsets?
"Does planting trees reduce global warming? Not in most places on the earth," Joseph Romm, senior fellow at the Washington, D.C.-based Center for American Progress and former acting assistant secretary of energy during the Clinton Administration, warned in a 2007 essay on the environmental news site Grist.

"If you are thinking about purchasing offsets, be wary of any company that says it plants trees."
Europe suspends plan to censor Kenyan produce
January 30, 2009: A campaign that has been urging European consumers to shun Kenyan fruits, vegetables and flowers, because of the carbon footprint caused by air freighting, has been suspended.
With a growing concern that CO2 emitted when transporting food over long distances contributes significantly to global warming, Kenyan based flower fresh producers assisted by the government waged a counter campaign that the food miles debate was not about reducing carbon emissions, but maintaining protection for European producers. - Al Gore and Venus Envy - Opinion
The significance of Gore’s testimony is that the Venus scenario seems to be his new basis for claiming that CO2 drives the Earth’s climate and, hence, his call that we must stop emitting CO2 into the atmosphere. At no time did he refer to his two An Inconvenient Truth-era arguments concerning the relationship between CO2 and global temperature -- that is, the Antarctic ice core record that goes back 650,000 years and the 20th century temperature/CO2 record. There’s good reason for his apparent abandonment of these arguments -- presented fairly, both actually debunk global warming alarmism. (Note: This YouTube video that I produced explains this point.)

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